This season we're thankful for volunteers, dirt, fresh produce, collaborations, new farms, old farms, seed donations, rain, bountiful harvests, and more. We're especially thankful for the hardworking gardeners that grow food around Seattle and share their labors with their neighbors.
Once again, P-Patch giving gardeners shared their vegetables with Seattle food banks, meals programs, and shelters this past season.
With food bank plots, rows, and through the generosity of individual gardeners, over 27,400 lbs of fresh produce from P-Patch gardeners went to Seattle families and individuals at over 25 different organizations.*
It's an inspiration to see so many gardeners share their fresh produce. If you're interested in growing produce for the food bank, please see our resources or let us know
*Including... Ballard Food Bank, El Centro Meals Program, Rainier Valley Food Bank, Jubilee Women's Shelter, Union Labor Temple, St. Mary's Food Bank, Immanuel Community Services, Orion Youth, University District Food Bank, White Center Food Bank, Volunteers of America Greenwood Food Bank, Tent City, Beacon Avenue Food Bank, Family Works Food Bank, North Helpline Food Bank, CAMP Food Bank, Cathedral Kitchen, Church of Mary Magdalene, Mary's Place, West Seattle Food Bank, Cherry Street Food Bank, Sandpoint Family Housing, Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Silvercrest Senior Housing, Jewish Family Services, Providence Regina Food Bank, and the Downtown Emergency Services Center.
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